Animal world, news and rescue Animal world, news and rescue

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Today is my birthday but no one in this house remembers it
7 August, 2024

Today is my birthday but no one in this house remembers it

Lu woke up with a wagging tail, his heart filled with an inexplicable joy. It was a special day, he could feel it. After all, today marked five years of companionship with his beloved human family. He stretched and yawned,...
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12 years have passed, this is my saddest birthday.
31 July, 2024

12 years have passed, this is my saddest birthday.

In a quiet corner of the bustling animal shelter, an old dog named Hugo lay on his worn-out blanket. Today marked Hugo's twelfth birthday, but it was a day filled with sorrow rather than joy. The years had taken their...
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Today is my birthday, and also the day I was abandoned.
30 July, 2024

Today is my birthday, and also the day I was abandoned.

### Sandy's Story Today is my birthday, and also the day I was abandoned. Sandy, a three-month-old puppy with soft, sandy-colored fur, shivered in the cold wind near the garbage dump. The smell of rotting waste filled the air, but...
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Today is my birthday but I still haven’t received any birthday wishes
31 July, 2024

Today is my birthday but I still haven’t received any birthday wishes

Silver is the dog stray, his age was a blur, lost in the relentless cycle of survival. Today, whatever number of years he had clocked, it was a day like any other. No one cared that it was his birthday....
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New Posts
Homeless man’s dogs wait outside hospital for hours, refuse to leave until owner is treated!

Homeless man’s dogs wait outside hospital for hours, refuse to leave until owner is treated!

July 15, 2024
When you have a dog by your side, even if for people’s eyes you are poor , you are in fact really lucky , since...
Starving, cold puppy covered in bite marks found dumped in a cage in the middle of a field

Starving, cold puppy covered in bite marks found dumped in a cage in the middle of a field

July 15, 2024
Leaving a dog in the streets after giving him the feeling of what a warm home feels like and what a friend feels like, is...
Dog desperately runs after owners after he’s abandoned

Dog desperately runs after owners after he’s abandoned

July 15, 2024
Everyone who decides to take in a dog should really consider they are taking a child into their life , and not a piece of...
Stray Dog Won’t Stop Chasing Bus Until Driver Adopts Her

Stray Dog Won’t Stop Chasing Bus Until Driver Adopts Her

July 15, 2024
Its painful when we see stray dogs alone and with no care wandering the streets , the pain is often clear on their face too,...
Disabled dog left on the road with a bag of diapers and a note

Disabled dog left on the road with a bag of diapers and a note

July 15, 2024
Abandoning a dog who has special needs is a really low thing to do , owners should know that attaching a note to the pet...
Man Adopts Dog 24 Hours Before He Would’ve Been Put Down, Then The Dog Saves His Life

Man Adopts Dog 24 Hours Before He Would’ve Been Put Down, Then The Dog Saves His Life

July 15, 2024
A wise man once said: in this life we have to do good, for the good to find us, and the next story is a...
Dog Left All Alone At Shelter After Every Other Dog Is Adopted

Dog Left All Alone At Shelter After Every Other Dog Is Adopted

July 15, 2024
Animal shelters around the world are doing a great job, to give little fragile animals the help that they desperately need , but apart from...
Dog waits 4 years in the same spot near the road, waiting for his family

Dog waits 4 years in the same spot near the road, waiting for his family

July 15, 2024
Every story we hear for dogs,we understand one thing clear, they are really our best friends.A dog’s story from Thailand,named Leo, went viral when his...
An old dog smiles on his last car ride and leaves the world in tears!

An old dog smiles on his last car ride and leaves the world in tears!

July 15, 2024
Our family dogs take all the love we have with their kind and loyal personalities.When we decide to adopt a cute dog and welcome him...
Sick Old Dog Spent 11 Years On The Streets, Gets Woken Up From A Nap To Learn Life Has Changed

Sick Old Dog Spent 11 Years On The Streets, Gets Woken Up From A Nap To Learn Life Has Changed

July 15, 2024
Some dogs spend their whole lives facing the dark and dangers of the streets without hope that the sun will shine for them,but as the...
Dog was stuck in a river for days. The moment rescuer is finally able to free it’s emotional

Dog was stuck in a river for days. The moment rescuer is finally able to free it’s emotional

July 15, 2024
Dogs that live in streets are often faced with different dangers, but thanks to kind humans they receive the needed help.On April 25, in Ulysses,...
Uncaring Owner Dumps Dog At Groomer, She’s Been Waiting 3 Yrs In Dingy Basement

Uncaring Owner Dumps Dog At Groomer, She’s Been Waiting 3 Yrs In Dingy Basement

July 15, 2024
The worst kind of dog owners are the one that leave their pet to someone,give a bunch of lies,promise to come back and you never...