Animal world, news and rescue Animal world, news and rescue

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Man Had A Wish Of Owning A Husky For 15 Years, Now Gets His Birthday Surprise
10 July, 2024

Man Had A Wish Of Owning A Husky For 15 Years, Now Gets His Birthday Surprise

Believing that a wish or dream comes true takes some seconds. That’s exactly what happened with this man, whose dream has always ben to have a Husky dog. His wife finally surprised him on his birthday after fifteen years of...
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Abandoned Breeding Dog Collapsed In The Middle Of Busy Road Finds Glimmer Of Hope
10 July, 2024

Abandoned Breeding Dog Collapsed In The Middle Of Busy Road Finds Glimmer Of Hope

A heartwarming story of a community coming together in East Grand Rapids has emerged, as they rallied behind a dog who was found collapsed in the middle of a busy road.Emilie Bond recounts how her husband, while out walking their...
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German Shepherd Like Sack Of Bones, Saved After It Laid Down In Front of Stranger’s House
10 July, 2024

German Shepherd Like Sack Of Bones, Saved After It Laid Down In Front of Stranger’s House

A hearted individual discovered a German Shepherd on the street near their home and called Stray Rescue of St. Louis for help. The dog seemed unable to walk leading them to believe that it may have been hit by a...
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Leveling Up in Age: How to Celebrate Birthdays Without Breaking the Bank on Gifts
10 July, 2024

Leveling Up in Age: How to Celebrate Birthdays Without Breaking the Bank on Gifts

Happy birthday! Don’t let the number of years you’ve been alive diminish the joy and happiness that come with celebrating this day. Your birthday is a time to feel loved receive well wishes and receive gifts.It serves as a reminder...
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New Posts

The Old English name for cat is “Catt”, believed to be derived from the Latin “cattus”, first used in the early 6th century. The scientific name of the cat is Felis catus,

July 15, 2024
As of 2021, there are an estimated 220 million domestic cats and 480 million feral cats worldwide. In 2017, domestic cats were the second most...

7 mysteries about the cat species

July 15, 2024
Cats have been domesticated by humans for a very long time, but the past of these animals still remains unresolved. Cats themselves still harbor mysteries.Why...

16 Adorable Photos Proving That Animal Love Is The Purest Thing

July 15, 2024
There is nothing purer than animal love.Their love shines so brightly, just looking at them makes you feel warm and soft inside and out.Their love...

Invasive Burmese python lays record 96 eggs

July 15, 2024
The 5-meter-long Burmese python laid nearly 100 eggs in Florida, making it the largest wild nest ever built for the species.Eggs in the nest of...

‘Superpigs’ spreading across Canada

July 15, 2024
In some parts of Canada, such as Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the population of super pigs is so high that eradication is no longer feasible.A map...

Record fish swims at world’s deepest point

July 15, 2024
A team of scientists from the University of Western Australia and Japan recorded lip slugs at a depth of 8,336 meters near Japan, and older...

Female spiders feign death so males don’t worry about being eaten

July 15, 2024
Female funnel-web spiders have an odd pairing behavior of laying down and dying during copulation so that the male is less worried about being eaten...

Meerkats attack pythons to save their human brethren

July 15, 2024
South AfricaA boa constrictor that chose the wrong bait has been savagely attacked by a family of mongooses after a family home in Johannesburg.Meerkats attack...

Great white shark left with scar after fleeing ‘mass killer’

July 15, 2024
South AfricaExperts have studied photos taken in 2017 and found that a great white shark may have encountered a pair of orcas that specialize in...

First ever documented pair of largemouth sharks

July 15, 2024
U.S.Male largemouth sharks, about 3.7 m long, and the larger one, about 4.6 m long, of unknown sex, swam together, presumably in courtship or foraging.The...

90-year-old male tortoise becomes father for the first time

July 15, 2024
U.S.Pickles, a male radiated star tortoise at the Houston Zoo, became a father for the first time in February after successfully hatching three eggs.90-year-old male...

20 Of The Funniest Cat Jokes From Vet Clinic Signs

July 15, 2024
Generally, cats are considered intelligent animals. So it’s no surprise that cats try to outwit us humans. Plus, cats are responsive and manipulative, and they...