I cried because today is my 3rd birthday. Waiting to receive blessings but there are none.

I cried because today is my 3rd birthday. Waiting to receive blessings but there are none.

My name is Feng, a white dog with a heart full of love and a spirit that once soared with joy. Today was supposed to be a day of celebration, a day where my family would shower me with affection, treats, and playtime. But instead, I find myself facing the harshest reality I could imagine.

The day began with a sense of excitement. I woke up early, my tail wagging in anticipation. The sun was shining, and the air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers. I was ready to embrace the day, to bask in the love and joy that had always marked my birthdays. But as the hours passed, something felt wrong. There were no special treats, no extra cuddles, and no joyous laughter from my family.

My heart ached as I waited, hoping that at any moment, they would surprise me with the usual birthday festivities. But the house remained quiet, and my family seemed distant, preoccupied with their own concerns. I tried to get their attention, nudging their hands and wagging my tail, but they barely noticed me. The loneliness I felt was overwhelming.

As the day wore on, I couldn’t hold back my tears. My mind raced with questions. Had I done something wrong? Was I no longer their beloved companion? I wandered through the house, searching for any sign of the love and warmth that had once been so abundant. But all I found were empty rooms and silence.

I cried because today is my 3rd birthday. Waiting to receive blessings but there are none. The once vibrant world I knew had turned cold and indifferent. I lay down in my favorite spot, the place where I used to feel safe and loved, and closed my eyes, wishing for the pain to go away.

In the quiet of the night, as the stars twinkled above, I made a silent prayer. I prayed for the strength to endure, for the hope that tomorrow might bring better days, and for the love of my family to return. Though today was filled with sorrow, I held onto the belief that love would find its way back to me.

I may be just a small dog with a broken heart, but I refuse to give up. I will keep waiting, keep hoping, and keep loving, because deep down, I know that love is worth waiting for. And maybe, just maybe, my family will remember the joy and love we once shared and bring light back into my life.
