Today is my birthday but also the day I lost my children

Min was a mother in mourning. Today, a day that should have been marked by the soft purrs of her kittens and the warmth of maternal instinct, was instead a chilling expanse of emptiness. Four tiny lives, buds of hope just beginning to bloom, had been cruelly plucked. A cold draft had seeped into their fragile world, stealing them away before they could truly begin.

It was her birthday, a fact irrelevant in the face of such profound loss. The world outside, with its usual cacophony of sounds, seemed muffled, distant. The once vibrant alleyway, filled with the promise of hunting and play, was now a desolate expanse.

Min wandered aimlessly, her steps devoid of purpose. The world was a blur of colors and shapes, but nothing held meaning. The once comforting rhythm of her days, punctuated by the demands of her kittens, was replaced by an aching silence.

She sought solace in familiar places, places that carried the faint echoes of her kittens’ tiny meows. But each corner, each crevice, was a stark reminder of their absence. The world, once filled with the warmth of maternal love, was now a cold, indifferent expanse.

As the sun began its descent, casting long, mournful shadows, Min found a quiet spot to rest. The city lights, a million twinkling stars, offered no comfort. She curled into a ball, her body trembling with grief. In the darkness, she dreamt of her kittens, of their soft fur, of their tiny paws kneading her belly. But when she woke, the harsh reality of their absence was a painful slap in the face.

Her birthday, a day that should have been filled with joy and pride, had turned into a desolate marker of loss. The world continued its relentless march, indifferent to her sorrow. Yet, in the depths of her maternal heart, a flicker of hope remained. Perhaps, in time, the pain would subside, and she could find the strength to face the world once more.
