Today is my birthday, I miss my parents so much

Miu was a tiny kitten with fur as white as snow. From the moment she was born, she had never known the warmth of a mother’s love. She was found abandoned in a cardboard box by the side of the road, lucky enough to be rescued by a kind-hearted person. Even though she was well-cared for, Miu always missed her mother and longed for a family.

Today was Miu’s birthday. All day long, she sat by the window, her big, round eyes staring out at the world. She was hoping someone would come, bringing her a birthday cake and little presents. She remembered the stories her human told her about other kittens who had fun birthday parties with their families. But Miu had nothing.

As night fell, Miu snuck out onto the balcony. The moonlight shone down, casting her shadow on the ground. She meowed softly, as if calling for her mother. Then she lay down, closed her eyes, and imagined her mother stroking her soft fur.

Miu wished she could go back in time and be held in her mother’s arms. But then she realized that the past couldn’t be changed. She had to learn to accept the present and live her best life. She would try to be a good kitten, so that one day she would have a family who loved her.

Even though Miu’s birthday wasn’t as fun as other kittens’, she was still grateful to be alive. And she believed that one day, her dreams would come true.
