Today is my birthday but it is also the day I was abandoned by my own mother

Jun was a tiny ball of fur, his eyes still clouded with the innocence of puppyhood. Today, a day that should have been filled with milk and playful nips, was a day of bitter sorrow. It was his birthday, and the world seemed to have conspired against him.

He remembered the warmth of his mother’s body, the soft rhythmic lullaby of her heartbeat. But that was a distant memory now, a fading echo in the vast emptiness of his world. Today, that warmth had turned into a cold, hard reality. She had left him, alone and afraid, in a world he didn’t understand.

The world outside the cardboard box was a blur of unfamiliar sights and sounds. Cars honked, people rushed, and the wind whipped at his soft fur. He whimpered, his tiny voice lost in the cacophony of the city. Hunger gnawed at his belly, a constant, aching reminder of his helplessness.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows that seemed to mock his loneliness, Jun curled into a tighter ball. The world was growing colder, and fear crept into his heart. He missed his mother’s comforting presence, her protective warmth.

He tried to remember the taste of her milk, to conjure the image of her soft fur, but the memories were slipping away, like grains of sand through his tiny paws. He was alone, truly alone. No one to celebrate his birthday, no one to offer a comforting lick, no one to protect him from the harshness of the world.

Tears, silent and solitary, rolled down his small face. His birthday had turned into a day of despair, a stark contrast to the joyous celebration he had imagined. As darkness enveloped him, Jun closed his eyes, his tiny heart filled with a sorrow too big for his small body.

In the quiet of the night, as the city lights twinkled like distant stars, Jun’s only wish was to be back in the warmth of his mother’s embrace, to feel protected and loved. But the world outside was indifferent to his plea, and the harsh reality of abandonment settled around him like a heavy blanket.
