Today is my birthday but I have no home to return to

Gigi is a homeless dog living in the middle of a bustling city. Her exact age was a mystery, lost in the blur of survival. Today, a particularly cold day for the city, marked not just another day but also the anniversary of her abandonment. A bitter irony painted the world in shades of gray.

She remembered, or thought she did, a time of warmth and comfort. A home, filled with the scent of humans, the sound of laughter, and the gentle pat of a hand. But those memories were as fleeting as morning mist, dissipating under the harsh light of reality. Now, her world was a concrete jungle, where survival was the only law.

Hunger gnawed at her constantly. She scavenged for scraps, her eyes scanning the ground with desperate hope. The city, a place of abundance for some, was a desert for her. People hurried past, their lives a blur of activity, oblivious to the creature at their feet.

As the day wore on, a sense of despair washed over her. She found a sheltered spot beneath a bridge, a temporary respite from the world’s indifference. The city lights were a distant, cold beauty, offering no warmth or comfort. She curled into a ball, her body trembling from cold and hunger. In the darkness, she dreamt of a home, of a soft bed, and the comforting presence of a human. But when she woke, reality was a harsh slap in the face.

Another day had passed, another birthday marked by solitude. Gigi was a survivor, a creature defined by resilience. Yet, in the depths of her weary heart, a flicker of hope remained. Perhaps, just perhaps, one day, she would find a home, a place where she would be loved and cherished.
