Today is my birthday but no one in this house remembers it

Lu woke up with a wagging tail, his heart filled with an inexplicable joy. It was a special day, he could feel it. After all, today marked five years of companionship with his beloved human family. He stretched and yawned, his tail thumping against the floor with anticipation. A special treat, perhaps a long walk in the park, or maybe even a new toy awaited him.

As the morning unfolded, however, a strange silence enveloped the house. The usual morning bustle was replaced by an eerie quiet. There were no excited greetings, no cheerful pats, and certainly no mention of a special occasion. Lu tilted his head, confusion clouding his bright eyes. Where was the celebration?

Hours passed, and still, nothing. The family members went about their day, oblivious to the growing despair in Lu’s heart. He followed them from room to room, his tail drooping with each passing moment. He tried to catch their attention, barking softly, placing a paw on their legs, but it was as if he were invisible.

As the day wore on, a lump formed in Lu’s throat. The joy he had woken up with had transformed into a heavy weight on his chest. He missed his family, their laughter, their affection. He longed for the warmth of their hands, the scratch behind his ears, and the loving words that usually accompanied his birthday.

With a heavy heart, Lu retreated to his bed. The house was filled with the usual sounds of life, but to him, it was a cacophony of indifference. He curled up, his tail tucked between his legs, and let out a low whine. It was a sound filled with sadness, loneliness, and a deep sense of betrayal. Today, the day he had eagerly anticipated, had turned into the loneliest day of his life.
