Today is my 1st birthday but I have to live in a shelter because my parents don’t want to keep me anymore

Liss had always known love, or so she thought. Her world had been a warm lap, soft blankets, and the endless joy of puppyhood. Today was her first birthday, a milestone she had no way of understanding. But the absence of the familiar scents and sounds around her told her something was amiss.

She remembered the woman, her human, with a soft voice and gentle hands. The man, too, with his booming laughter and rougher but equally loving touch. They had called her their “little bundle of joy,” their “heart-melter.” But now, as she shivered in the cold, metal cage, the stark reality of abandonment washed over her.

The shelter was a cacophony of whimpers, barks, and the occasional meow. It was a world away from the cozy home she’d known. Fear gnawed at her small heart, a stark contrast to the exuberant puppy she once was. Her tail, usually a constant propeller of happiness, hung limply between her legs.

The day turned into night. The other dogs settled into uneasy sleep, their rhythmic breathing a stark contrast to Liss’s racing heart. She missed the feel of a warm body beside her, the comforting rhythm of human heartbeat. As the darkness enveloped her, she whimpered softly, a silent plea for the love she once knew.

Tomorrow was a new day. A day filled with uncertainty. But amidst the fear, a flicker of hope remained. Perhaps, just perhaps, someone would come. Someone who would see the spark in her eyes, the love in her heart, and take her home.

Liss curled into a tight ball, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. As sleep finally claimed her, she dreamt of a world filled with laughter, warmth, and endless belly rubs. A world where she was loved.
