I am a stray dog ​​and no one cares that today is my birthday

I am a stray dog, wandering the streets with no one to care about me. Today is my birthday, but there are no celebrations, no treats, and no one to wish me well. As I walk through the cold, empty alleyways, the harsh reality of my solitude sinks in. The bustling city around me seems indifferent to my plight, and the passing pedestrians give me fleeting glances before moving on with their lives.

I am a stray dog ​​and no one cares that today is my birthday

I am a stray dog ​​and no one cares that today is my birthday

In my world, birthdays are just another day. There are no cakes or gifts, no friends to share the occasion with. Instead, I search for scraps of food and a safe corner to rest my tired body. The sounds of the city—honking cars, distant conversations, and the occasional bark of another stray—are my only companions.

I am a stray dog

I am a stray dog

Yet, despite the loneliness, I find a glimmer of hope. The kindness of strangers, even if rare, reminds me that not all humans are indifferent. A warm smile or a gentle pat on the head can make a world of difference. So, as I curl up in my makeshift shelter, I hold on to the hope that one day, someone will notice me, not just today but every day. For now, I am content with the simple pleasure of a full belly and the promise of a new day, even if it starts with a birthday that goes unnoticed.
