I have been starved for 3 days and today is my 4th birthday

I have been starved for 3 days, and today is my 4th birthday. As I sit here, my tiny frame weakened by hunger, I can’t help but reflect on the meaning of this day. For most, a birthday is a time of joy and celebration, a moment to bask in the warmth of love and affection. But for me, this birthday is different.

I have been starved for 3 days and today is my 4th birthday

I have been starved for 3 days and today is my 4th birthday

In the midst of my suffering, I find a flicker of hope. My body may be frail, but my spirit remains resilient. The world around me feels harsh and unforgiving, yet there is a sliver of light that refuses to fade. Today, despite the pain and hunger, I am reminded that every day holds the promise of a new beginning.

I have been starved for 3 days and today is my 4th birthday

I have been starved for 3 days and today is my 4th birthday

My birthday is not marked by the usual festivities, but by a quiet resolve to persevere. It is a day of remembering that even in the darkest moments, hope can shine through. I may not have a cake or presents, but I have the strength to face another day. As I blow out the candles on my imaginary birthday cake, I make a wish for a better tomorrow, one where my struggles are met with compassion and my future is filled with brighter days.
