On my first birthday, I just wished for a warm home

Loki was a small, brown puppy with big, hopeful eyes. Today was his first birthday, a day he’d been looking forward to since he could first wag his tail. But his excitement turned to despair when he found himself alone in a strange place.

Loki had been abandoned at a busy intersection, left to fend for himself. He didn’t understand what was happening. One moment, he was playing happily with his littermates, and the next, he was alone, scared, and cold. He whimpered softly, his tiny paws trembling as he tried to find his way back to his family.

Hours passed, and Loki’s hope began to dwindle. He was hungry, thirsty, and terrified. He curled up in a cardboard box, trying to shield himself from the cold night air. Just as he was about to give up, he heard a faint sound. It was the sound of a car approaching.

A kind woman named Sara had spotted Loki huddled in the box. She got out of her car and knelt down beside the puppy. Loki’s tail wagged weakly, and he let out a relieved sigh. Sara picked Loki up and wrapped him in a warm blanket.

Sara took Loki home and gave him a bath, some food, and a cozy bed. As Loki slept peacefully, Sara couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness for the puppy’s heartbreaking birthday. She knew that Loki would need a lot of love and attention to recover from his ordeal. But Sara was determined to give Loki the happy, loving home he deserved.
