Hary’s story: On his birthday, he received a big sadness, that is, his mother was taken to the rescue.

On a day that was supposed to be filled with joy and celebration, Hary woke up with a wagging tail, excited for his birthday. The little dog had always looked forward to this day, expecting extra treats, belly rubs, and playful moments with his mother, who was his closest companion. But as the sun climbed higher in the sky, Hary began to sense that something was wrong.

The atmosphere in the house was different that morning. Instead of the usual cheer, there was a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of distant voices in the next room. Hary’s ears perked up as he heard his mother’s soft whimpers. Curious and concerned, he trotted towards the sound, his little paws padding softly on the floor.

As he rounded the corner, Hary froze. There, in the middle of the room, stood his mother, her eyes filled with confusion and sadness. Beside her were two strangers, their expressions serious as they spoke with the owner. Hary’s heart pounded in his chest, a sense of dread creeping over him.

Before Hary could react, the strangers clipped a leash to his mother’s collar and began leading her towards the door. Panic surged through Hary as he watched his mother being taken away. He barked and ran after them, trying to understand what was happening, but no one paid him any attention.

His mother turned her head, her eyes meeting Hary’s one last time. In that fleeting moment, Hary saw the sadness in her eyes, a reflection of the loss they were both about to endure. He barked louder, his small body trembling as he tried to follow them out the door.

But the door closed in his face, and Hary was left standing there, alone. The silence that followed was deafening, the house now empty of the warmth and comfort that his mother had always provided. His birthday, once a day of happiness, had turned into a day of deep sorrow.

Hary curled up in his favorite spot, the one where he and his mother used to nap together. The familiar scent of her lingered, but it was no comfort now. His little heart ached with the pain of her absence, and tears welled up in his eyes. He had never felt so alone.

As the day wore on, Hary’s sadness only deepened. He refused to eat, his appetite gone along with his happiness. The treats and toys that had once brought him joy now sat untouched, meaningless without his mother by his side. All he wanted was to see her again, to feel her comforting presence, but he knew that she was gone, taken away to a place he didn’t understand.

That night, as Hary lay in the dark, he whispered a small, silent wish. He wished that his mother was safe, wherever she was, and that one day they might be reunited. But deep down, he knew that things would never be the same. His birthday, once a day of joy, had become a reminder of the biggest sadness he had ever known.

And so, Hary closed his eyes, his little body curled up tightly as he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the days when his mother was still with him, and his world was whole.
