Severely malnourished puppy was almost euthanized but then its life changed

A Mystery Illness

Harlow, a beloved Weimaraner, began losing weight inexplicably. Despite numerous tests and vet visits, the cause remained elusive. Her family watched helplessly as she deteriorated, her once vibrant spirit fading.

A Fighter’s Spirit

Despite her physical decline, Harlow’s playful nature endured. Her family, determined to help, explored every possible avenue for treatment.

Dr. Amy Lam diagnosed Harlow with chronic neutrophilic enteritis, a rare digestive disorder. The breakthrough came with a vegetarian diet, which immediately improved Harlow’s condition.

A Miraculous Recovery

Harlow’s recovery was remarkable. Her symptoms disappeared, and she gained weight rapidly. In November 2022, she achieved complete remission from her chronic illness.

A Second Chance at Life

Harlow’s journey is a testament to the power of hope and perseverance. Her family’s unwavering love and support, combined with Dr. Lam’s expertise, helped her overcome a seemingly insurmountable challenge. Harlow’s story inspires others to never give up, even in the face of adversity.
