UPDATE: Rescue Bids Farewell, Honors Shelter Dog Who Found a Happy Ending

Mugzy’s story is a heartwarming example of how a small act of kindness can dramatically change the course of a life. His journey is one that shows resilience, love, and the powerful bond between humans and animals. It all began in the summer of 2017 when a single day outside the shelter opened the door to a new life for Mugzy, an elderly pit bull who had been waiting for over two years for his chance at happiness.

UPDATE Rescue Bids Farewell, Honors Shelter Dog Who Found a Happy Ending

UPDATE Rescue Bids Farewell, Honors Shelter Dog Who Found a Happy Ending

A Day Away from the Shelter

In 2017, Kelly Duer was participating in a study on foster care, sponsored by Maddie’s Fund, a program aimed at improving the lives of shelter animals. As part of the study, Kelly would take dogs from Ventura County Animal Services out of their kennels for a day of freedom, followed by an overnight stay in a hotel. One of the dogs she chose was Mugzy, who had spent more time in the shelter than any other dog there.

Mugzy had endured a difficult life. He had crudely cropped ears and suffered from Vestibular disease, which affected his balance and mobility. Despite these challenges, he was a sweet dog who adored belly rubs and soaked up affection wherever he could get it. Kelly was determined to give him a special day away from the shelter, and Mugzy didn’t disappoint. He relished every moment—visiting a pet supply store, lounging on the hotel couch, and most importantly, basking in the attention from everyone he met. His big smile and wagging tail were signs that he was enjoying a break from his long, lonely days in the shelter.

After their day together, Kelly had to return Mugzy to his kennel, but she didn’t forget about him. She posted photos from their adventure on IMGUR, hoping his story might touch someone’s heart.

A Day Away from the Shelter

A Day Away from the Shelter

From Viral Photos to a New Home

Kelly’s photos of Mugzy went viral, drawing attention from all over the internet. His beaming face and touching story captured the hearts of many, including the team at iHeartDogs, a platform dedicated to supporting animals in need. They reached out to Kelly, asking to share more of Mugzy’s photos and his story. Kelly gladly provided more details about the sweet pit bull who had spent over 500 days in the shelter. His story spread like wildfire on social media, and one of the people who saw it was Orinda Beiers from the Hearthfire Animal Rescue Team (HART) in West Richland, Washington.

Although HART was based far away from Mugzy’s California shelter, Orinda felt a deep connection to his story. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she had to help this dog, even though there were plenty of pit bulls in need closer to her. Mugzy had waited too long, and Orinda knew it was her mission to give him a chance at a better life.

HART made immediate plans to travel to Southern California to bring Mugzy home. After four days on the road, they arrived at the shelter and collected the dog who had captured so many hearts. From that day forward, Mugzy never spent another night in a kennel.

From Viral Photos to a New Home

From Viral Photos to a New Home

Finding a Forever Family

Upon arriving at HART, Mugzy became part of their Final Refuge program, which provides permanent foster homes for senior and special-needs dogs. His foster mom quickly fell in love with him, and it wasn’t long before she decided to adopt him, ensuring that Mugzy would have a loving home for the rest of his life. Mugzy’s days of waiting in the shelter were over, and he had found his place in a family that adored him.

Finding a Forever Family

Finding a Forever Family

Through frequent updates on HART’s Facebook page, Mugzy’s fans could follow his journey and see how he was thriving. He received all the medical care he needed, thanks to donations from supporters like Kelly, who had never forgotten him. Mugzy blossomed in his new home, where he had his own spot on the couch, a foster sister to keep him company, and an abundance of love from his family.

For two years, Mugzy lived the kind of life every dog deserves. He had friends, comfort, and the security of knowing he was loved. His transformation from a forgotten shelter dog to a cherished family member was nothing short of remarkable.

A Bittersweet Goodbye

On December 2, 2019, HART announced the heartbreaking news that Mugzy had passed away. While his time with his new family had only lasted two years, those years were filled with joy, love, and the warmth of a home that truly cared for him. Mugzy’s story touched the lives of many, showing the impact that kindness, dedication, and compassion can have on an animal in need.

A Bittersweet Goodbye

A Bittersweet Goodbye

Mugzy’s legacy lives on as a reminder of the importance of giving shelter dogs a chance. He spent too long in the shelter, waiting for someone to see his worth. But when that someone finally came, Mugzy’s life was changed forever. His story will continue to inspire others to open their hearts and homes to dogs in need, ensuring that many more like Mugzy can live happily ever after.
