No one remembered Maya’s birthday so he was sitting sad all day

Maya woke up that morning with a flutter of excitement. It was her birthday, and she had envisioned a day filled with surprises, laughter, and love. However, as the sun climbed higher in the sky, her excitement slowly turned to disappointment. No phone calls, no texts, and certainly no birthday wishes. The only sound in her home was the ticking of the clock, each tick amplifying her growing sadness.

No one remembered Maya's birthday so he was sitting sad all day

No one remembered Maya’s birthday so he was sitting sad all day

Maya spent the morning trying to distract herself. She flipped through social media, where friends posted about their own celebrations, their smiles and laughter a stark contrast to her solitude. She had planned a small get-together, hoping her friends would remember and join her for cake and games. But as the hours dragged on, it became clear that no one had marked the day in their calendars.

As the afternoon sun began to fade, Maya sat on her couch, feeling invisible. She scrolled through her phone, wishing for a simple message, a reminder that she was loved. With every passing minute, her heart ached a little more. She thought about the times she had celebrated her friends’ birthdays, always going above and beyond to make them feel special.

In the quiet of her room, she finally allowed herself to cry. It was not just about the birthday; it was the feeling of being forgotten, of not mattering enough. But as she wiped her tears, she resolved that tomorrow would be a new day. Maya decided to plan a little celebration for herself, because even if no one else remembered, she would always cherish the joy of her own existence.
