Puppy with Severe Mange, Once at Risk of Euthanasia, Recovers and Shows His ‘Goofy’ Side

Puppy with Severe Mange, Once at Risk of Euthanasia, Recovers and Shows His 'Goofy' Side

Puppy with Severe Mange, Once at Risk of Euthanasia, Recovers and Shows His ‘Goofy’ Side

From Suffering to Safety

Steven, a 5-month-old puppy, started his life in a Texas kill shelter, facing a grim fate. When he arrived, his condition was dire — hairless, swollen, and in immense pain due to a severe case of Demodex mange, a skin infection caused by parasitic mites. His swollen eyelids had fused shut, leaving him groaning in pain. According to Sarah Muirhead, a senior program manager at Austin Pets Alive! (APA), the shelter staff was unsure if Steven would survive without euthanasia, as his condition seemed too challenging and costly to treat in their limited resources.

However, despite his discomfort, Steven’s spirit shone through. He curiously engaged with those who came to see him, including Muirhead, who saw beyond the pink, crusty skin. She recognized that, though he was suffering, Steven still had a spark of life, a sign of hope. Determined to give him a chance, Muirhead decided to foster him, ensuring he wouldn’t become another euthanized statistic.

From Suffering to Safety

From Suffering to Safety

The Road to Recovery

Muirhead initially planned to keep Steven overnight, but it didn’t take long for the sweet puppy to win her heart. Realizing how affectionate and easygoing he was, she extended his stay, determined to help him heal. Over the next several weeks, Steven received a rigorous treatment plan that included a combination of topical and oral medications, antibiotics, pain relief, and fish oil to promote his skin recovery. But perhaps the most significant component of Steven’s recovery was the tender love and care he received in his foster home.

The transformation was nothing short of remarkable. Steven’s hair began to grow back, his skin healed, and his discomfort eased. While he occasionally still itched, his overall health improved drastically. “He’s doing fantastic,” Muirhead reported. Along with the physical healing, Steven’s playful personality started to shine. No longer burdened by pain, he began to explore his world with curiosity, often entertaining himself with toys and bounding around with his signature “zoomies.”

The Road to Recovery

The Road to Recovery

The Emergence of Steven’s True Personality

As Steven’s health improved, so did his goofy, affectionate nature. He loved to pounce on objects for no reason, making his foster mom laugh with his playful antics. Yet, as much as he enjoyed playing, Steven also had a deeply affectionate side. After his bursts of energy, he would curl up on a lap or bed, content to drift off to sleep, completely at ease in the safety of his foster home. Muirhead shared that one of Steven’s cutest traits was the “woo-woo” sound he made when he wanted more attention, adding to his charm.

Through fostering Steven, Muirhead discovered just how adaptable and trainable he was. Despite his rough start, Steven had become housebroken and was eager to learn, making him a perfect candidate for adoption. Muirhead believes Steven would thrive in almost any home but would particularly enjoy an active family with another dog or children to play with. She emphasized that while Steven needs basic training, like any puppy, he is well on his way to becoming a wonderful companion.

The Emergence of Steven’s True Personality

The Emergence of Steven’s True Personality

A Call for Adoption and Fostering

Steven’s story highlights the power of fostering and how it can save lives. Without Muirhead’s intervention, Steven would likely have been euthanized due to the shelter’s lack of resources. His case isn’t unique; many dogs are euthanized in shelters simply because there aren’t enough fosters or funds to provide the care they need.

A Call for Adoption and Fostering

A Call for Adoption and Fostering

Muirhead encourages others to consider fostering if they’re unable to commit to adopting. “Fosters save lives. Literally!” she says. The experience of fostering, she notes, is incredibly rewarding, not only for the animal but for the foster parent, who gets to witness the incredible transformation from suffering to happiness, as was the case with Steven.

Now fully recovered and full of life, Steven is ready for his forever home. Muirhead hopes that his future family will love him for the playful, spunky puppy he has become and give him the care and love he deserves. Steven’s story is a testament to the resilience of animals and the lifesaving impact of fostering. For those interested in adopting or fostering a dog like Steven, they can visit the Austin Pets Alive! website and explore the many ways to help pets in need.
