A rescuer discovered a dog who initially refused all help but was actually hiding an important secret

A Chance Encounter

Alysse Matlock, driving through rural Oklahoma, noticed a small, fluffy dog wandering along the roadside. Concerned for its safety, she attempted to coax the dog into her car, but the frightened pup fled.

A Community Effort

Alysse captured a photo of the dog and posted it on Facebook, hoping someone could identify the owner. The post quickly gained attention, with numerous people reporting sightings of the same dog in the neighborhood.

A Pregnant Stray

Days later, the dog, now named Journey, was spotted in the middle of Noble, Oklahoma. As the weather turned colder, locals grew concerned for her well-being, especially as they realized she was heavily pregnant.

A Rescue Mission

Alysse, determined to help Journey, embarked on a quest to find her. After several days of searching, she finally located the pregnant dog hiding behind a piece of trash.

Despite her efforts, Journey remained elusive, refusing to trust Alysse. With the help of local residents, Alysse devised a plan to capture the wary dog.

Using a combination of teamwork and treats, the rescue team successfully lured Journey into a car. The relief and joy were palpable as they secured her safety.

A New Beginning

Alysse immediately took Journey to the veterinarian, who confirmed her pregnancy. The vet estimated that she was just days away from giving birth.

The next morning, Journey welcomed a litter of five healthy puppies, her maternal instincts kicking in as she cared for her newborn pups.

A Happy Ending

The little family was now safe and warm, their future filled with hope. Alysse and the community celebrated their successful rescue, grateful for the happy ending that awaited Journey and her puppies.
