Tears as Barkless Dog Still Shines: ‘Best Lip Syncer’ Award

In a world where viral videos are a dime a dozen, some manage to capture the hearts of millions with their endearing and unique charm. Such is the case of Ashley Woolfenden’s Chiweenie—a hybrid of Chihuahua and Dachshund—whose unexpected inability to bark has tugged at the heartstrings of viewers on TikTok. In a video that has garnered 1.7 million views as of October 5, 2023, this tiny dog may appear to be howling, but the sound heard is not coming from him at all. Instead, the noise is from a siren in the background, making the clip all the more adorable and perplexing. This unusual tale has left people both laughing and crying, as they empathize with a dog that seems to try so hard yet fails to vocalize in a way that most would expect.

Tears as Barkless Dog Still Shines 'Best Lip Syncer' Award

Tears as Barkless Dog Still Shines ‘Best Lip Syncer’ Award

The Viral Sensation: “He Really Does Try So Hard”

In the TikTok video posted by @ashleywoolfie, Woolfenden’s Chiweenie gives it his all to howl like any other dog. The caption overlaid on the clip reads: “POV: You haven’t been able to bark or howl your whole life, but you still try.” Despite his efforts, the sound that should accompany such an action doesn’t come out as expected. Instead, it is a siren blaring in the background that creates the illusion that the small dog is making the noise.

At the very end of the clip, a small noise does escape the Chiweenie’s mouth, but it’s nothing like the typical bark or howl associated with dogs. The sound is more comparable to a squeaky toy, a detail Woolfenden emphasized in another video featuring her dog as a puppy. In that clip, he makes similar sounds, showing that this has been a lifelong quirk for the Chiweenie. Woolfenden made it clear in the caption that she didn’t remove the dog’s voice box, stating: “P.S. No, I didn’t take out his voice box; he came like this.”

The Unusual Case of the “Broken” Bark

The Chiweenie’s unusual inability to bark has intrigued both TikTok users and experts alike. In the comments, Woolfenden reveals that the dog’s bark has “been broken for [nine] years,” further deepening the curiosity of viewers. While this may seem highly uncommon, veterinary professionals suggest that there could be underlying medical or behavioral reasons behind the dog’s peculiar lack of vocalization.

Dr. Anna Foreman, a veterinarian from the U.K. and an expert for Everypaw Pet Insurance, explained that while it is rare for a dog to lose its bark completely, it can happen. Dr. Foreman noted that changes in a dog’s pitch or phonation can occur due to issues with the larynx, also known as the voice box. “Changes to phonation can occur with disease processes of the larynx,” she explained to Newsweek, adding that while dogs can be trained not to bark, it is quite rare for them to lose the ability entirely.

According to Dr. Foreman, some dogs may not bark or howl at all, or may do so silently. This is often a learned behavior, particularly if they are around other dogs that display similar traits. In the case of the Chiweenie, however, it seems the issue has persisted from a young age, making it a unique situation.

The Unusual Case of the "Broken" Bark

The Unusual Case of the “Broken” Bark

The Internet’s Emotional Response

The online community has reacted to this viral video with overwhelming love and support for the little dog. Many viewers have expressed both humor and sympathy for the Chiweenie’s plight. Comments like “We hear you, little buddy” and “The best lip-syncer I know” capture the mix of amusement and empathy the video has generated. Some users have even been moved to tears, with one commenter writing, “I’m actually crying right now; I feel so bad for him.”

Others have praised the dog’s determination, with one user jokingly stating, “He’s pretending he’s making the siren noise.” The video has resonated deeply with those who have experienced pets with similar quirks or challenges, turning the Chiweenie into a beloved figure across social media.

As of now, Woolfenden’s post has accumulated over 424,000 likes and 3,400 comments, showing just how widespread the affection for this little dog has become. While the Chiweenie may not have the strongest bark, he has certainly found his voice on the internet, capturing the hearts of people around the world.

Why Dogs Lose Their Bark: A Veterinarian’s Insight

While this specific case of a “broken bark” has captivated many, it’s important to understand that vocal changes in dogs can sometimes indicate health issues. Dr. Foreman emphasized that if a dog suddenly loses its bark or its vocal pitch changes, it is vital to have them checked by a vet. This could be a sign of laryngeal diseases, vocal strain from excessive barking, or other health problems affecting the voice box.

Certain breeds and individual personalities are more prone to vocalization, and some dogs may bark excessively due to anxiety or environmental factors. Training can often help modify these behaviors, but the complete loss of a dog’s ability to bark is not common.

In Woolfenden’s Chiweenie’s case, it seems that his inability to bark has been a lifelong issue, potentially indicating a congenital condition or an early life event that affected his vocal cords. Nevertheless, his unique vocal quirks have made him an internet sensation, reminding us that even without a bark, dogs have plenty of ways to communicate with the world around them.

In conclusion, the viral Chiweenie has proven that you don’t need to bark to be heard. His story has touched the hearts of millions, bringing laughter, tears, and a sense of empathy to the online community. As his videos continue to spread across the internet, one thing is for certain: this little dog has found a way to make his voice heard—squeaky or not.
