This Two-Legged Rescue Puppy Beats All The Odds, Leaving People In Awe

Being different isn’t a flaw, and Honey Stubbs is exhibit A.

As a matter of fact, her condition only makes her unique and special in the most beautiful way.

After being found living in terrible conditions, this sweet, two-legged girl continued her life journey with Rescue PAWS caregivers. Her first couple of months weren’t easy, but Honey was inclined to show everyone how truly beautiful and sweet she was!

She Hid From Everyone Until She Met A Special Person

puppy at the beach

The kind locals found Honey Stubbs when she was only a few weeks old. She was missing the bottom part of her hind legs, was extremely malnourished, and had sores from dragging her legs on the ground.

On top of that, she was absolutely terrified of people.

Becca and her colleagues at RP were out on a feeding run when they first encountered this tiny girl. It was so heartbreaking to see a dog in such bad condition, but thankfully, Rescue Paws had a solution.

As soon as they saw her, they knew that Honey couldn’t stay there by herself anymore.

dog sitting in the corner

They brought her to the rescue, where she had her first bath and her wounds bandaged. But, despite everything, Honey was still extremely nervous and uncomfortable.

She hid in a corner for quite some time and refused to go out. Every time someone would try to approach her, she would instantly run away.

Then, a special person showed up!

Holly, one of the volunteers, was aware of Honey’s fear, and she spent countless hours just calmly sitting near her and addressing her with the gentlest voice. She was patiently waiting for Honey to feel comfortable enough to get out of her corner and approach her.

Soon enough, a miracle happened!

woman holding the dog

Honey slowly crawled into Holly’s lap and even exposed her belly, demanding belly rubs. That was a breakthrough moment in which Honey decided to trust Holly, the moment that clearly stated, “Holly, you’re my favorite Pawson now!”

Day after day, this brave dog slowly came out of her shell, which ultimately led to her revealing her true personality!

Honey Stubbs – A Sunshine Dog That Everyone Loves

two legged dog sitting on the shore

It only took a few months for this sweet doggo girl to become the rescue’s Sunshine dog. Today, Honey radiates such amazing energy and does everything to grab people’s attention.

The one thing that always leaves everyone dazzled is the fact that she almost never gets tired. Despite her disability, she always carries that big, beautiful smile that reflects her inner strength.

Honey is the happiest dog of all who just wants to be loved.

dog sitting on the beach

She’s come a long way since she was found. It is truly rewarding to see Honey’s progress and witness her being a lot more confident than ever. Today, she even lets other volunteers who come to the rescue daily pet her.

However, at the end of the day,all Honey needs is a loving home.

When the time is right, I’m absolutely positive that this resilient furbaby will make some family really happy. She’s a lover, a friend, and the best companion that anyone could ask for. And she sure deserves a nice home!
