Mother Dog Buries Her Dead Puppy In The Soil

Dogs are good learners and time has proved that they have adapted so many things that are common to human nature. One such example can be found in this video where you can see how a dog buries his dead puppy. 

He is clever enough to understand that a dead body has to be buried and thus he tries his level best to dig the land with his mouth and burry the puppy in. This incident was shot in Iraq where he must have seen people burying dead bodies.

In the video, the dog makes its full effort to cover the puppy with the soil that it has dug for the process. Whenever a part of the body shows up, he makes more effort to cover it up. There is no instruction or no prompting throughout the video. 

He was not in hurry to cover it up with soil; rather he was careful to make sure that no part of the body is left. Once the dog is done with its job it leaves the place. The video is 3 minutes 50 second long and features a dog with his dead puppy in a part of Iraq. It is interesting to see how dogs can copy human nature.

Watch the video :

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