Officer Fights All The Odds To Save Stranded Cat From Ledge Of Highway Bridge

If you wonder why it is said that cats have 9 lives, this story proves that perfectly after a cat survived a very hard situation as it was stuck above a busy interstate on a ledge.

A call came to Animal Care Sergeant Flores and Animal Care Officer Tutak about a cat that had no probable escape after getting trapped on an interstate, according to a post on Facebook by the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services.

When they arrived on the scene, they knew that they couldn’t scare the cat as he was in a precarious position, and that may lead him to jump. However, the cat was a little bit hesitant to trust the officers, but once he knew they wanted to help him, he let them pick him up.

They then moved the cat to the Animal Emergency Room. Despite being a bit ravenous when he was offered water and food, the cat was generally healthy. The cat, who was named Bridges, was then moved back to Animal Care Services to receive the care and love he needed. He is now available for adoption.

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