As they got closer, she could not believe it: this sweet adoptable mutt was named Beast and resembled her own pup.
What makes this story even more interesting, is that Rogue took a genuine interest in Beast! Could they be twins?

Bethany was not really wanting to add another dog to the family, even though her boyfriend had been wanting a second dog for a long time.
Deep in her heart, she knew there was no way she could leave this adorable ‘twin’ behind.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Bethany said, “What made me want to rescue Beast over the other dogs was that he looked just like Rogue. They’re both Cairn Terrier mixes, Rogue’s mom was a Lab/Pit mix and her dad a Cairn and with Beast we’re just not sure, it just has Cairn mix.”

Although at first, Beast tried to be the dominant dog in his new pack, things calmed down after about a month. Since the family lives in Hawaii, these twinsies get to hang out, play together, and live the beach life.

You just never know when fate will intervene to bring a look-alike dog into your life. We wish this family all the best!
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