The Captain’s Bed
The shelter has a large number of fluffy soft dog beds, none of which interest Captain in the least.
Every night, Captian passes them by in favor of his cardboard box. “All he wants at bedtime is a cardboard box,” Kristina Millman-Rinaldi, founder of Detroit Dog Rescue, wrote on Facebook.

“This cardboard box, or whatever size box we have at the time, is the only way he’ll sleep because it’s the only way he’s ever slept to feel safe.”
Captain had to be treated for a respiratory infection and heartworm infection when he first came to the shelter. Since then, he has fully recovered and is a favorite of everyone there.
Millman-Rinaldi says that Captain is a lovable darling who “will do anything for a scoop of peanut butter. He has the best wiggle butt and loves showing off his tricks.

Despite all he’s been through, he is super sweet.” He knows his basic commands and is great at walking on a leash.
Finding Captain’s Home
According to his adoption listing, Captain is shy around men and would like to be in a home with a female owner. Captain is good with most dogs, but needs to be introduced to new friends carefully.

What do you think? Love at first sight?