I know I’m not beautiful but I still hope to receive everyone’s love, today is my birthday

Min was a puppy with a heart as big as the world, but a self-esteem as small as a flea. His fur, once a source of pride for his mother, was now a constant source of shame. It was long, tangled, and a magnet for every stick, leaf, and burr in the neighborhood. He’d often heard the other dogs snicker at his appearance, calling him “Shaggy” or “Rasta.”

Today was Min’s birthday. He’d hoped for a miracle. Maybe someone would see past his unruly fur and discover the playful, affectionate puppy hiding beneath. Perhaps they’d offer a gentle pat, a kind word, or even a simple “Happy Birthday.”

As the day wore on, Min’s hopes dwindled. The other puppies played tag, their barks filled with joy. He watched from the sidelines, his tail tucked between his legs. A few humans passed by, but their eyes only lingered on the sleek, short-haired dogs. No one seemed to notice him.

Disappointment washed over Min like a cold wave. He retreated to a quiet corner, his big brown eyes filled with sorrow. He closed his eyes, imagining a world where he was loved for who he was, not for how he looked.

Just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a gentle voice. “Hey there, little guy,” a young girl said, kneeling down to his level. She had kind eyes and a warm smile. Min’s heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation.

“You look like a little lion,” she said, her fingers gently tracing the curls on his head. Min’s ears perked up. A lion? That was the first compliment he’d ever received about his fur.

The girl laughed. “I bet you’re soft as a cloud,” she said, running her hand through his fur. Min closed his eyes, reveling in the sensation. For the first time in a long time, he felt seen, loved, and accepted.

Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of a new chapter. A chapter where he would learn to love himself, fur and all. After all, it was his birthday, and every puppy deserved a little love.

As the day drew to a close, Min felt a sense of peace wash over him. He might not have received the grand celebration he’d hoped for, but he had received something far more precious: kindness, acceptance, and a newfound appreciation for himself.

Maybe, just maybe, he was more beautiful than he thought.
