Poor Nami doesn’t get any love from her adoptive parents, she just wishes for a birthday cake

Nami, a young girl of ten, found herself adrift in a sea of loneliness despite being surrounded by the bustling life of her new home. Adopted by a couple who, while kind in their way, never truly embraced her with the warmth of a genuine family. The love that Nami craved was a distant dream, something she had never truly felt in the confines of her adoptive home.

Poor Nami doesn't get any love from her adoptive parents, she just wishes for a birthday cake

Poor Nami doesn’t get any love from her adoptive parents, she just wishes for a birthday cake

Her days were filled with the mundane routines of school and chores, but her heart held a simple yet profound wish—a wish that seemed almost too modest to ask for: a birthday cake. Nami had never celebrated her birthday with the joy and excitement that other children took for granted. Each year, the day would come and go without any special acknowledgment, leaving her feeling like just another face in the crowd.

To Nami, a birthday cake symbolized more than just a sweet treat. It represented the love and recognition she longed for. In her quiet moments, she would dream of a cake adorned with colorful frosting, candles flickering in a soft glow, and the feeling of being cherished. She imagined the thrill of having her name written on the cake and the joy of blowing out the candles surrounded by people who truly cared.

Though she never voiced her desire, her wish was a beacon of hope in her heart. Each year, as her birthday approached, she would find herself wistfully looking at the cakes in shop windows, imagining what it would be like to experience such a simple pleasure. For Nami, the wish for a birthday cake was more than just a request for a sweet treat—it was a heartfelt plea for love, recognition, and the sense of belonging she yearned for.
