Win is trying to open his eyes to receive everyone’s wishes on his birthday

As the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, Win lay quietly in his bed, cocooned in a warm, soft blanket. It was his birthday, a day he had looked forward to with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. He was determined to make this day special, and though he was still groggy from sleep, he knew that he needed to wake up to fully embrace the joy of his birthday.

Win is trying to open his eyes to receive everyone's wishes on his birthday

Win is trying to open his eyes to receive everyone’s wishes on his birthday

The room was filled with the gentle hum of early morning activity. His family had been up for hours, preparing a delightful surprise. The aroma of fresh pancakes, sizzling bacon, and brewing coffee wafted through the air, adding to the festive atmosphere. Balloons and streamers adorned the room, creating a vibrant backdrop for the special occasion. Win could hear the soft murmurs of excitement and the occasional burst of laughter as his loved ones busily moved around.

Win, however, was struggling to open his eyes. Each time he tried, they seemed to feel heavier than usual. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his face and hear the cheerful chatter, yet his eyelids remained stubbornly closed. He wanted to see the smiles, hear the well-wishes, and feel the love that filled the room. With great effort, he finally managed to flutter his eyes open. The sight that greeted him was more beautiful than he had imagined—his family standing around him, their faces lit up with genuine smiles, their eyes twinkling with affection.

“Happy Birthday, Win!” they chorused, and in that moment, he felt an overwhelming surge of happiness. Despite his initial struggle, Win realized that the effort to open his eyes was worth every second. The joy of seeing his loved ones gathered to celebrate him made his birthday truly unforgettable.
