This dog, listed for euthanasia, possesses a sorrowful bark that moves everyone to tears

A Heartbroken Soul

Stella, a traumatized stray dog, was found wandering the streets of Atlanta. Her past was shrouded in mystery, but the scars on her body and soul were evident.

A Rescue Mission

LifeLine Animal Project rescued Stella, offering her a chance at a new life. Despite her fear and distrust, the volunteers remained dedicated to helping her heal.

A Match Made in Heaven

Krista Keough, a compassionate individual, saw Stella’s picture online and felt an immediate connection. She adopted Stella, determined to provide her with the love and support she needed.

Overcoming Trauma

Stella’s journey to recovery was challenging. She struggled with anxiety, fear, and the lingering trauma of her past.

With patience, understanding, and unwavering love, Krista helped Stella overcome her fears and build trust. She introduced Stella to her other dog, Apollo, who became her best friend.

A Happy Ending

Stella’s transformation was remarkable. She blossomed into a loving and playful dog, finding joy and companionship in her new family.

Her story is a testament to the power of love and the resilience of the human and animal spirit. It’s a reminder that even the most broken hearts can heal with the right care and compassion.
