A Dog That Was Trapped with Its Head in a Plastic Box for a Year Finally Received Assistance

A Year of Wandering with a Plastic Box

Bear, a Cane Corso, spent nearly a year wandering the streets of Mobile, Alabama, with his head trapped inside a large plastic box. The box, likely the top of a trash can, became a constant obstacle, hindering his ability to eat and drink properly. His fear of humans made rescue attempts even more challenging, as he wouldn’t allow anyone to approach him. The size of the dog also made standard animal traps ineffective.

A Multi-Agency Rescue Operation

Recognizing the severity of Bear’s situation, the City of Mobile Animal Services and the Mobile County Animal Shelter joined forces in a large-scale rescue operation. After months of reported sightings, a concerned resident finally alerted authorities, prompting the coordinated effort. The team managed to remove the plastic box from Bear’s head, but the frightened dog escaped before they could secure him with a leash. A determined pursuit ensued, involving numerous individuals, until Bear was finally captured and brought to the city’s shelter.

From Fear to Affection in the Shelter

At the shelter, Bear’s personality began to emerge. He was treated with kindness and care, quickly becoming a favorite among the staff. He formed a special bond with one of the rescue volunteers, Martin Miller.

Adoption and Ambassadorship

Bear’s story garnered significant public attention. While he was initially placed on a stray hold, the shelter staff recognized the unique connection between Bear and Martin Miller. They decided that Martin would be the ideal adopter. Martin officially welcomed Bear into his family, providing him with the love and stability he had lacked for so long. The adoption also had an added benefit: Bear became an ambassador for the City of Mobile Animal Services, promoting the adoption of other stray animals alongside Martin. Bear’s journey, from a year of hardship to a loving home and a role in helping other animals, is a truly heartwarming tale of rescue and second chances.
