Pregnant Dog Saved On Christmas From Freezing Cold Just Before Giving Birth

A call came to RACC (Richmond Animal Care and Control) about a poor mom to be dog who was stuck in a dog house outside her owner’s home in Virginia during the rain on December 22, according to WRIC.

In Virginia, it’s illegal to keep a home dog outside your home without proper shelter during severe weather warning, or 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower or 85 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

RACC was able to take the pregnant dog, who was named Mama Manolo, under its care, and they directly headed to a shelter of it to be monitored during the night. The next morning, the dog was transferred to VVC (Virginia Veterinary Centers), where she gave birth to a litter of nine pups on Christmas Day.

The plan is to put all the pups along with their mama up for adoption when they are 8 weeks old when the pups are no longer nursing and more independent. What a happy ending for Mama Manolo and her 9 puppies. Watch the video below.

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