Scared stray dog too weak to even walk, waits for a helping hand

Out there are millions of dogs that need rescue , and it always gives us a great pleasure every time we read stories like this when an abandoned fragile puppy gets the help and love he deserves , and there is one less puppy being faced with street danger every day.

A pit bull mix with a unique name , Tarzan , was living in Los Angeles area and people would spot him usually near the big highway.

He was living with mercy of good hearted people, that took care to leave him food whenever they happened to pass by .

One day the animal rescue center received a call by an alarmed good hearted person that used to bring food to Tarzan, claiming the dog state is getting worse by day and he is losing his strength, obviously the center took immediate action to go and help sweet Tarzan out.

Tarzan had no idea what a beautiful wind of change was waiting for him when he was transported to the center, his thirst for love and affection was noted immediately when he was staying put while volunteers would pet his head, he welcomed every warm feeling they gave to him.

[wpcc-iframe title=”Scared homeless Bulldog / PitBull living in the bushes alone until Hope For Paws arrived! #senior” width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen=””]

He deserves a forever home, hope he will find it!

Out there are millions of dogs that need rescue , and it always gives us a great pleasure every time we read stories like this when an abandoned fragile puppy gets the help and love he deserves , and there is one less puppy being faced with street danger every day.

A pit bull mix with a unique name , Tarzan , was living in Los Angeles area and people would spot him usually near the big highway.

He was living with mercy of good hearted people, that took care to leave him food whenever they happened to pass by .

One day the animal rescue center received a call by an alarmed good hearted person that used to bring food to Tarzan, claiming the dog state is getting worse by day and he is losing his strength, obviously the center took immediate action to go and help sweet Tarzan out.

Tarzan had no idea what a beautiful wind of change was waiting for him when he was transported to the center, his thirst for love and affection was noted immediately when he was staying put while volunteers would pet his head, he welcomed every warm feeling they gave to him.

[wpcc-iframe title=”Scared homeless Bulldog / PitBull living in the bushes alone until Hope For Paws arrived! #senior” width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen=””]

He deserves a forever home, hope he will find it!
