Man finds sad dog chained to streetlight on his way to work

Waking up preparing and going to work, was what Graham Dobson planned to do with his day , but when he started the road , he came face to face with a sad surprise.

Graham was walking his usual road that leads to his work in Hull, England, when he found a boxer dog was chained up in the middle of the street , and the view was so sad and heartbreaking.

Graham immediately came to his rescue.

“I came to work in the morning and found the dog tied up on the main road looking sad and scared,” told Graham for the Daily Mail

“While he waited to see if the owner would return, he offered the dog water, food and kept him company.”

“It was heartbreaking to see he had been left and how upset he was, as he was a real nice dog and so friendly. He was really scared. I don’t understand why people would just dump a dog. I love animals and don’t want to see them abandoned or mistreated.”

The abandoned poor puppy was taken in Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire Boxer Rescue

and he was named MAX, rescuers at the shelter took his photo, posted on social media and asked for help to find the cute lad a forever home.

With his story and picture being an internet sensation, dog lovers were frustrated for the way Max was treated.

“Such a selfless act, it is so cruel to do that, I hope he finds his forever home.”

Another commented , “Really upsets me when people dump animals, look at his sad face, I love him. All animals want is shelter, food, water, play and a lot of love he’s gorgeous  hope he goes to a loving home and it will be his forever home xx.”

The center later posted ‘’Max is doing very well and has gone to stay with a very experienced foster home, where the family is helping us to assess and care for him.444

“As you can imagine we have had an overwhelming amount of interest and applications for Max, but for now we feel it best to just concentrate on his care and further assess his needs.”

We are happy that our Max will have by his side loving owners , who will take care of him.

Waking up preparing and going to work, was what Graham Dobson planned to do with his day , but when he started the road , he came face to face with a sad surprise.

Graham was walking his usual road that leads to his work in Hull, England, when he found a boxer dog was chained up in the middle of the street , and the view was so sad and heartbreaking.

Graham immediately came to his rescue.

“I came to work in the morning and found the dog tied up on the main road looking sad and scared,” told Graham for the Daily Mail

“While he waited to see if the owner would return, he offered the dog water, food and kept him company.”

“It was heartbreaking to see he had been left and how upset he was, as he was a real nice dog and so friendly. He was really scared. I don’t understand why people would just dump a dog. I love animals and don’t want to see them abandoned or mistreated.”

The abandoned poor puppy was taken in Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire Boxer Rescue

and he was named MAX, rescuers at the shelter took his photo, posted on social media and asked for help to find the cute lad a forever home.

With his story and picture being an internet sensation, dog lovers were frustrated for the way Max was treated.

“Such a selfless act, it is so cruel to do that, I hope he finds his forever home.”

Another commented , “Really upsets me when people dump animals, look at his sad face, I love him. All animals want is shelter, food, water, play and a lot of love he’s gorgeous  hope he goes to a loving home and it will be his forever home xx.”

The center later posted ‘’Max is doing very well and has gone to stay with a very experienced foster home, where the family is helping us to assess and care for him.444

“As you can imagine we have had an overwhelming amount of interest and applications for Max, but for now we feel it best to just concentrate on his care and further assess his needs.”

We are happy that our Max will have by his side loving owners , who will take care of him.
