
A Puppy With Green Fur Was Born In Italy And The Owners Named Him Pistachio

A Puppy With Green Fur Was Born In Italy And The Owners Named Him Pistachio

July 15, 2024
Nature seems to always find a way to surprise us in the most unexpected ways.One of Mother Nature’s surprises of this kind recently fell into...
Dog on tears walks 125 miles to find owner who left her alone

Dog on tears walks 125 miles to find owner who left her alone

July 15, 2024
The ones that should have a dog, should think twice before they get them. They need special care and should be considered as a family....
Heroic dog saves baby from mis.treat.ment baby sitter

Heroic dog saves baby from mis.treat.ment baby sitter

July 15, 2024
T.e.r.r.i.f.y.i.n.g stories around babies, but the real heros are always the dogs.The couple, Hope and Benjamin Jordan after moving to Charleston, South Carolina, they seemed...
Heart.brea.king moment mom dog bids pup farewell after it was adopted

Heart.brea.king moment mom dog bids pup farewell after it was adopted

July 15, 2024
Seeing people adopting animals as dogs or cats or any other kind of animal is so amazing.But there also can be some heartbreaking scenes as...
Man makes moving promise to dog who passed away after giving birth

Man makes moving promise to dog who passed away after giving birth

July 15, 2024
No one will love us more,or give everything they have up for us except a mother,that’s why the name mother it’s called a holy name,and...
Owner Told Him To “Stay” On The Sidewalk – The Dog Was Still Waiting A Week Later

Owner Told Him To “Stay” On The Sidewalk – The Dog Was Still Waiting A Week Later

July 15, 2024
People can be so c.r.u.e.l , if they see how loyal and how much love you have for them a lot of the times they...
Lost Dog Was Left By Her Family Who Promised To Pick Her Up

Lost Dog Was Left By Her Family Who Promised To Pick Her Up

July 15, 2024
A lot of dogs get adopted when they are just little puppies, they join a family become part of them , grow with them,but when...
Woman moved and left her terrified dogs caged on the sidewalk with the trash

Woman moved and left her terrified dogs caged on the sidewalk with the trash

July 15, 2024
Bad luck struck poor dogs the most , when they live with monstrous owners, who don’t appreciate the loyalty of this furry friends or they...
Homeless man’s dogs wait outside hospital for hours, refuse to leave until owner is treated!

Homeless man’s dogs wait outside hospital for hours, refuse to leave until owner is treated!

July 15, 2024
When you have a dog by your side, even if for people’s eyes you are poor , you are in fact really lucky , since...
Starving, cold puppy covered in bite marks found dumped in a cage in the middle of a field

Starving, cold puppy covered in bite marks found dumped in a cage in the middle of a field

July 15, 2024
Leaving a dog in the streets after giving him the feeling of what a warm home feels like and what a friend feels like, is...
Dog desperately runs after owners after he’s abandoned

Dog desperately runs after owners after he’s abandoned

July 15, 2024
Everyone who decides to take in a dog should really consider they are taking a child into their life , and not a piece of...
Stray Dog Won’t Stop Chasing Bus Until Driver Adopts Her

Stray Dog Won’t Stop Chasing Bus Until Driver Adopts Her

July 15, 2024
Its painful when we see stray dogs alone and with no care wandering the streets , the pain is often clear on their face too,...