
Family buries gone dog hit by car but 14 hours later, he’s standing outside their front door

Family buries gone dog hit by car but 14 hours later, he’s standing outside their front door

July 15, 2024
Losing a pet is a really painful experience to pass through,imagine losing your best friend that shared everything together.Researchers have shown that losing a pet...
Pained And On His Own, Puppy Sought Refuge In One Place He Felt Closer To God

Pained And On His Own, Puppy Sought Refuge In One Place He Felt Closer To God

July 15, 2024
A lot of us humans are spiritual creatures and when everything around us is getting in a huge mess, and we feel abandoned we turn...
Man finds sad dog chained to streetlight on his way to work

Man finds sad dog chained to streetlight on his way to work

July 15, 2024
Waking up preparing and going to work, was what Graham Dobson planned to do with his day , but when he started the road ,...
Young man builds restaurant to help street dogs

Young man builds restaurant to help street dogs

July 15, 2024
We all can help our little furry friends with a little try, if you don’t have any possibility to take them in , then we...
Vet Refused To Treat Hairless Puppy – And Their Explanation Was Infuriating

Vet Refused To Treat Hairless Puppy – And Their Explanation Was Infuriating

July 15, 2024
This heart warming story gives us a big lesson, no matter what others say don’t give up on someone you love, and something you believe...
Scared stray dog too weak to even walk, waits for a helping hand

Scared stray dog too weak to even walk, waits for a helping hand

July 15, 2024
Out there are millions of dogs that need rescue , and it always gives us a great pleasure every time we read stories like this...
Stray Dog Suffers For Days After Stepping On Coyote Trap Until Help Finally Comes

Stray Dog Suffers For Days After Stepping On Coyote Trap Until Help Finally Comes

July 15, 2024
It was a long six days , that a poor dog was suffering after she stepped on a coyote trap, her suffering seemed to have...
Rescuers Cry “Tears Of Joy” As Long Lost Dog Reunites With His Mom

Rescuers Cry “Tears Of Joy” As Long Lost Dog Reunites With His Mom

July 15, 2024
Everytime we see a story for a dog found in the streets in miserable condition, we assume he either was abandoned willingly or he never...
Gentle dog patiently waits at bus stop for little girl to get onto the school bus safely

Gentle dog patiently waits at bus stop for little girl to get onto the school bus safely

July 15, 2024
Dogs are man’s best friends, they love us and stay loyal to us till the end of time, these furry animals are known to create...
2 puppies fall down a well with a cobra – snake’s unexpected reaction amazes animal rescuers

2 puppies fall down a well with a cobra – snake’s unexpected reaction amazes animal rescuers

July 15, 2024
Living on the streets all the time is full of danger and definitely so hard. Stray dogs are out there all the time, and probably...
Boy With Down Syndrome Has No Friends, The Dog’s Reaction Brought Me To Tears

Boy With Down Syndrome Has No Friends, The Dog’s Reaction Brought Me To Tears

July 15, 2024
This story is heartbreaking and it is proof of the senses of a dog. They know when something is good or bad. They try to...
Need Help : Dog In Cage Left On Side Of The Road

Need Help : Dog In Cage Left On Side Of The Road

July 15, 2024
Lately, we have heard and read a lot of stories of dogs being abandoned in terrific ways. They usually are left at shelters without any...